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Meet Megan

I’m Megan Devine, best-selling author, psychotherapist, podcaster, and grief advocate. For over a decade, I’ve pioneered a more empathetic, inclusive and skillful response to grief of all kinds. Those things we learned to say to each other during hard times? They aren’t helpful. My mission is to give you the skills you need when life goes horribly wrong. Turns out, those are the same skills you need in everyday life to be a good friend, partner, doctor, citizen of the world... 

On a beautiful summer day in 2009, I watched my partner drown. Matt was strong, fit, and healthy; just three months from his 40th birthday. All my professional experience felt meaningless. I’d never felt so destroyed - or so alone. Everything I’ve built since then has been to make the world a better place for grieving people (and that means all of us).

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HOW we talk about painful events makes all the difference in how well we survive those things. 

Talking about any hard, emotional stuff is awkward (think: death, chronic illness, job loss, family conflict, feeling overwhelmed with the state of the world…). Everything doesn’t happen for a reason, and there’s a lot of stuff that “being resilient” just can’t cover. The best way to talk about emotional things is by giving yourself permission to be awkward, and by learning some skills:

  • Come see how cool real connection can be on It’s OK that You’re Not OK, the podcast 
  • Training and resources for healthcare workers, HR departments, first responders, and allied fields on grief and bereavement related issues
  • Creative, practical, human-centered resources for grief of any kind
  • Interviews & speaking engagements: grief/death related, yes. And so much more. 

Making things better - even when they can't be made right.